How to Design Your Personalised Meal Plan for weight loss

Rishabh singh
5 min readJul 18, 2023


Do you want to lose weight or want to build muscles, but don’t know where to start? Let me help you…

Creating a personalized meal plan is important for achieving health and fitness goals. It involves considering individual goals, preferences, and nutritional needs, so following someone else's plan may not be effective.

While designing your meal plan, remember that you have to nourish your body and not punish your body.

I will share some strategies that will help you to create your own personal diet plan that will suit your lifestyle and your eating habits.

Things to keep in mind before starting:

  1. You should be knowing your daily routines, your eating habits, your food-like dislikes and your food availability.
  2. Note down your activity levels, How many hours you can devote to your physical fitness.
  3. Your goal should be clear and crisp and time-bound, Don’t set unrealistic goals.
  4. How many times do you eat outside or Home-based food?
  5. How many liquid beverages do you consume daily and at what time?

Once you have all these things ready you can start exploring the options.

Step 1: Figure out your goals.

What do you want to achieve? Are you looking to lose weight, build muscle, or a combination of both? Without a goal, you don’t have any direction and you will do random things, Having a goal will give you focus that will help you to stay motivated.

Step 2: Calculate your BMR

Your BMR or the basal metabolic rate plays a huge role in weight loss. Your BMR, better known as your metabolism, is the calories your body needs to maintain your current weight.

As we all know we burn some calories on every task we are doing because our body is giving us the energy to perform that task. From sleeping, Walking, Gardening, Cooking, and working out we burn some amount of calories.
Some people have naturally higher metabolism which means they burn more calories than others. The easiest way to boost your metabolism is to build muscles. As you build muscle, you’ll notice that your appetite increases, because your body now requires more calories to maintain that muscle mass.

Calculate your BMR here and Know How Much to Eat in a day using Daily Calorie Intake Calculator.

Step 3: Calories to Lose Weight

The calorie count is essential for weight loss in the Initial. Noting down whatever you eat, sounds like a boring job, but this would only be required in the initial phase. Once you get the hang of it you will automatically get an idea and you always be mindful before you eat.

Weight loss requires a calorie deficit

From a biological perspective, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. That is the only equation for weight loss no shortcut, you have to do that no matter what.

Cutting down 300–500 calories from your maintenance calories (Calories needed to maintain your current weight) will help in weight loss for most people.

Step 4: Divide your meals

Divide your meals 3 times a day including 2 snack options like Breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks around 11 AM and 5 PM.

Try to stick to the meal timings, finish your breakfast before 10 AM, lunch before 2 PM and dinner before 8 PM, Well you can adjust time according to your lifestyle but around 12–14 hrs Fasting works well for weight at night, that’s the time our body recover and lose fat.

Step 5: Choose Your Food

Once you create a calorie deficit, it’s important to account for the types of foods you’re eating as some are more diet-friendly and nutritious than others.

You want to make sure that your diet plan is balanced and includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Aim for a mix of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.

Choose Nutrients dense food which will provide nutrition to your body and keep you energetic.
Aim for 1.1–2x gm of body weight protein, If you goal is muscles building for 1.5x.
Don’t include too much fat in your diet.

The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) set forth by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommend that people get (28):

  • 45–65% of their calories from carbs
  • 20–35% of their calories from fats
  • 10–35% of their calories from proteins

In any case, choose the diet that best fits your lifestyle and preferences.

Step 6: Prepare a Grocery List

Now that you have your meal plan set, you need to figure out how to make it happen! Start by making a grocery list of all the foods and ingredients you need to make your meals. Make sure to stick to your list when you go grocery shopping!

Step 7: Let’s Go

Now that you know how to create a personalized diet plan, it’s time to get started! Remember, consistency is key when it comes to any diet or lifestyle change. Keep track of your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Take professional help if required and track your progress daily and log your meals and your workout to know where you are heading.

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Rishabh singh

Fitness Coach || I write about daily productivity and fitness tips. For more :-